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Crypto: Here Is Elon Musk's Crazy Project for Twitter!

Tue 18 Jun 2024 ▪ 3 min of reading ▪ by Eddy S.
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In a revelation that could redefine digital payments, Linda Yaccarino, CEO of Twitter, announced the introduction of a new financial ecosystem! Sparking speculation about the potential use of crypto in this framework. This initiative, described as transformative, is planned to be launched soon in the United States.

Crypto Elon Musk

Twitter will launch a real financial system! Crypto in the spotlight!

Linda Yaccarino, the CEO of Twitter, presented the new payment feature as an imminent innovation! This will drastically change the interaction between X (Twitter) users. Which is good news, as it could integrate crypto. Yaccarino expressed that Twitter is reshaping user expectations with unprecedented vision and innovation.

Since taking over as CEO of Twitter, Yaccarino has been at the heart of the company’s transformation! Navigating through challenges with advertisers while steering Twitter’s expansion into cutting-edge sectors. Including: artificial intelligence, audio communications, and video streaming. With this new feature coming very soon to the United States, she can make X, in addition to being a platform for free expression, a trading platform for all crypto actors.

Another announcement that will not materialize?

However, despite the enthusiasm generated by this announcement, caution is warranted. Elon Musk is known for his ambitious promises. It remains to be seen if his plans for Twitter will materialize within the announced timelines. Previous attempts to create super-apps by other tech giants have not met the expected success, mainly because users already have a plethora of apps for their daily needs. Isn’t this already the case for crypto?

Linda Yaccarino’s announcement could mark a turning point for Twitter and the use of cryptocurrencies in daily transactions. If the social network manages to integrate and develop its financial ecosystem as planned, it could not only increase the perceived value of crypto but also change the way users envision digital payments and social media. It remains to be seen if reality will live up to the expectations generated by this futuristic vision.

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Eddy S.

Le monde évolue et l'adaptation est la meilleure arme pour survivre dans cet univers ondoyant. Community manager crypto à la base, je m'intéresse à tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la blockchain et ses dérivés. Dans l'optique de partager mon expérience et de faire connaître un domaine qui me passionne, rien de mieux que de rédiger des articles informatifs et décontractés à la fois.


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