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Bitcoin: An Imminent Price Explosion Announced by the Indicators

Thu 01 Aug 2024 ▪ 3 min read ▪ by Mikaia A.
Getting informed Event

Last Sunday, Donald Trump ignited the Bitcoin community with a historic speech, rekindling interest in Bitcoin. At the same time, the price of Bitcoin flirted with $69,000, despite some corrections. But that’s not all: indicators show that Bitcoin could explode again. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting developments.

Cible géante et missile bitcoin

Bitcoin Ready to Soar According to Analysts

In the current context, crypto analysts are unanimous: a significant Bitcoin price movement is imminent. The volatility indicator, known as Bollinger Bands, has reached its tightest point in twelve months.

Matthew Hyland, a recognized analyst, stated in a video dated July 31:

« The moment is almost here, probably within a month. »

Matthew Hyland’s Analysis – Source: X

This means we could soon witness a spectacular rise.

The Bollinger Bands, which measure the momentum and volatility of an asset, have reached their third tightest point in history on a weekly scale.

To put this in perspective, the last time this indicator was this tight, in April 2016 and August 2023, Bitcoin saw a 20% increase within a few months.

This current compression could therefore herald a new surge in Bitcoin’s price.

Bollinger Bands tightening as in July 2023 – Source: Matthew Hyland

The Consolidation of the Queen of Cryptos: A Ticking Time Bomb

Since last March, Bitcoin has consolidated within a narrow range of 25%, oscillating between $73,679 and $55,849. According to Hyland, this period of consolidation is coming to an end.

He explains that « the longer the consolidation, the greater the following expansion. »

This pattern is eerily similar to July 2023, which led to a 20% increase.

Indeed, between July and November 2023, Bitcoin jumped by 20%. If history repeats itself, the current price of $63,845 could reach a new all-time high of $76,614 by November.

Hyland estimates that this could take a few more weeks, but he is convinced that Bitcoin is about to experience an « explosion. »

  • Current Bitcoin: $63,845
  • Potential new high: $76,614
  • Expected increase: 20%

The weekly Bollinger Bands are currently tighter than the daily bands, which is a strong indicator of future volatility. Kristoph Jeffers, of Three Jay Partners, marvels:

« It’s crazy that the weekly Bollinger Bands are tighter than the daily bands. »

The future of Bitcoin looks promising, but how far will it go? The coming months will tell. In the meantime, the indicators point to a new era of exciting volatility for this iconic cryptocurrency.

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Mikaia A. avatar
Mikaia A.

La révolution blockchain et crypto est en marche ! Et le jour où les impacts se feront ressentir sur l’économie la plus vulnérable de ce Monde, contre toute espérance, je dirai que j’y étais pour quelque chose


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