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Fascists Are Leading Israel

8h04 ▪ 8 min read ▪ by Satosh
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Israel is currently governed by far-right millenarian fanatics. In short, fascists.

israël et les fascistes

Fanatics with Netanyahu

December 2022 marks the return of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister. To form his coalition, he relies on religious and far-right parties. Among the emblematic figures:

  • Itamar Ben-Gvir: Minister of National Security, who leads the Jewish supremacist party “Jewish Power”
  • Bezalel Smotrich: Minister of Finance and head of the Religious Zionist Party

These men, although representing barely 10% of the electorate, wield significant influence on Israeli politics. Their weight is such that Netanyahu cannot afford to dismiss them without risking the collapse of his government.

Israel: an ancient fanatic movement

The ideology of these new ministers draws its roots from the settler movement born after the Six-Day War in 1967. For them, Israel’s swift victory was a divine sign calling for settling in the newly conquered territories.

Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir are heirs to this thinking, mixing nationalism, messianism, and Jewish supremacism. They advocate for the total annexation of the West Bank and reject any idea of territorial compromise with the Palestinians.

Their vision aligns with controversial figures like Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League, who advocated for the expulsion of Arabs from Israel. Although his party was banned in 1988 for inciting racism, his ideas have continued to influence a fringe of the radical right.

A project of ethnic cleansing

The paths of Smotrich and Ben-Gvir reveal their radicalism. Smotrich was arrested in 2005 during the disengagement of Gaza, suspected of preparing violent actions. Ben-Gvir, on the other hand, became known as a teenager militating in far-right movements.

Their rise to power has been gradual, capitalizing on the rightward shift of Israeli society.

They have managed to exploit the fears and frustrations of a segment of the population, particularly in response to security threats.

To advance their agenda, these far-right leaders do not hesitate to resort to controversial methods:

  • Using the law to expropriate Palestinians (Smotrich)
  • Media provocation and incendiary rhetoric (Ben-Gvir)
  • Support for violent settlers in the West Bank

Their strategy relies on a cynical exploitation of the fears of the Israeli population, notably after Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023.

Ben-Gvir, in particular, has constructed his image as a “sheriff” protector of Israelis. His media appearances, armed in sensitive neighborhoods, have added to his popularity with a segment of the electorate.

The impact on Israeli politics

The presence of the far right in government has major consequences on Israeli policy. There is a challenge to the rule of law, notably through the attempt at judicial reform aimed at weakening the Supreme Court. Inter-communal tensions are exacerbated, fueled by an increasingly virulent anti-Arab rhetoric.

The expansion of settlements in the West Bank accelerates, with the announcement of new constructions and the legalization of previously considered illegal settlements. Meanwhile, there is a growing militarization of society, illustrated by the massive distribution of arms to civilians, an initiative led by Ben-Gvir.

These policies create deep fractures within Israeli society, as evidenced by the massive protests against the judicial reform in 2023. This reform, in particular, has crystallized opposition. Seen by its supporters as a way to rebalance power, it is perceived by detractors as a threat to Israeli democracy.

Israel, increasingly isolated

The radicalization of the Israeli government also has major repercussions on the international stage. Tensions with the United States, Israel’s main ally, have continued to grow. Washington even imposed sanctions on some radical settlers, sending a strong signal of disapproval.

Israel’s diplomatic isolation is deepening, endangering recent advances like the Abraham Accords which had normalized relations with several Arab countries. The prospect of an agreement with Saudi Arabia, in particular, seems to be receding.

Traditional Western support for Israel is eroding, as illustrated by the change in tone of U.S. President Joe Biden in March 2024. This evolution worries many observers, who fear that Israel might lose its historical support on the international stage.

The Israel-Gaza war: a turning point

The conflict triggered by Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023, exacerbated tensions. While national unity prevailed initially, divisions quickly resurfaced. The controversial handling of hostages, the military response deemed disproportionate in Gaza, and the exploitation of the situation to accelerate settlement in the West Bank have drawn sharp criticism.

The war has highlighted the dangers of extremist ideology in power, prompting many Israelis to question the future of their country.

The ambiguous role of Netanyahu

In this rise of the far-right, the role of Benjamin Netanyahu is crucial. Even if he does not necessarily adhere to all the positions of his radical allies, he has facilitated their rise for political reasons.

His strategy of division, notably by allowing Qatar to finance Hamas to weaken the Palestinian Authority, has contributed to creating fertile ground for extremist discourse.

Today, Netanyahu finds himself in a delicate position, caught between the pressures of his radical allies and those of the international community.

Israel at a crossroads

Today, Israel stands at a crossroads. The country must choose between continuing down the path of radicalization, at the risk of international isolation and internal conflicts, or returning to a more moderate policy, by removing the most extremist elements from the government.

For many observers, this choice is crucial not only for Israel’s future but also for the stability of the entire region.

Civil society in Israel plays a key role in this debate. The massive protests against the judicial reform have shown that a significant portion of the population remains committed to democratic values and opposes authoritarian drift.

The challenge of coexistence between Jews and Arabs

At the heart of these tensions is the question of coexistence between Jews and Arabs, both in Israel and in the occupied territories.

Inter-communal violence, as observed in May 2021 in mixed cities, highlights the dangers of this incendiary rhetoric.

As the conflict in Gaza drags on, the question of post-war strategy becomes crucial. What strategy will Israel adopt towards Gaza and the West Bank? The maximalist vision of the far right, advocating for the re-colonization of Gaza, appears unrealistic and dangerous.

The risk is high of seeing the conflict drag on, fueling an endless cycle of violence. The search for a political solution, involving negotiations with the Palestinians, seems unavoidable in the long run, despite the fierce opposition of the far right.

The rise of the far right in Israel is the result of a progressive drift initiated by Netanyahu. The future will tell whether Israeli society will find a new balance or continue on the perilous path charted by its far-right ministers. The challenge is immense: reconciling the different components of Israeli society, restoring the rule of law, and finding a lasting solution to the conflict with the Palestinians. Israel’s ability to meet these challenges will determine its future as a democracy in the Middle East.

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Satosh avatar

Chaque jour, j’essaie d’enrichir mes connaissances sur cette révolution qui permettra à l’humanité d’avancer dans sa conquête de liberté.


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