Since its launch in 2015, Ethereum has enjoyed a remarkable rise. The platform has established itself as the crypto ecosystem's benchmark for Layer 1 infrastructure. The company's leadership is nevertheless significantly contested. Indeed, with the increased dynamism of the technology market globally, new Layer 1 projects are regularly emerging. Their ambition is to rival or even dethrone Ethereum in this sector. To achieve this, these initiatives propose technological improvements. They also provide enhanced scaling capabilities. Operational advances that generally translate into lower transaction fees for users. In short, they want to do better than Ethereum. But can they? The truth is, it's extremely difficult to predict with any certainty which project(s) will be able to supplant Ethereum. Admittedly, many of these crypto initiatives are not lacking in relevance. However, this is without taking into account the vast operational network that Ethereum has built to establish its market dominance. With that in mind, we'll take a closer look at Layer 1 blockchain technology and the particularities of the one developed by Ethereum. We'll then compare some of the crypto industry's most popular Layer 1 projects with Ethereum's.Pour se faire, ces initiatives proposent des améliorations technologiques. Elles fournissent également des capacités renforcées de mise à l’échelle. Des avancées opérationnelles qui se traduisent généralement par la réduction des frais de transaction exigés des utilisateurs. En somme, elles veulent faire mieux qu’Ethereum. Mais peuvent-elles y parvenir ? À la vérité, il est extrêmement difficile de prédire avec certitude le(s) projet(s) en mesure de supplanter Ethereum. Il faut bien reconnaître que plusieurs de ces initiatives cryptos ne manquent pas de pertinence. Toutefois, c’est sans compter avec le vaste réseau opérationnel qu’Ethereum a construit pour asseoir sa domination sur le marché. Cela dit, nous reviendrons en substance sur la technologie blockchain Layer 1 et la particularité de celle développée par Ethereum. Il sera ensuite question de comparer certains des projets Layer 1 les plus populaires de l’industrie crypto à celle d’Ethereum.