They said DeFi was invincible. Then came JELLY, so tender, so toxic. An invisible loss, a cry in the code. And trust, like the blocks, collapsed.
They said DeFi was invincible. Then came JELLY, so tender, so toxic. An invisible loss, a cry in the code. And trust, like the blocks, collapsed.
The Hyperliquid token (HYPE) experienced a decline of nearly 6% over the past 24 hours, despite the recent launch of HyperEVM, an update aimed at expanding the decentralized finance (DeFi) capabilities of the platform. This price drop occurs in a context where a positive market reaction was expected following this significant innovation.
Hyperliquid ignores the chaos and offers a staggering +176%. The HYPE, it’s him. Bitcoin and Ether? Just side characters in this financial soap opera.
Hyperliquid, a decentralized perpetual trading platform, is facing growing concerns from its community regarding issues related to its validators. These worries have emerged following recent incidents that have called into question the security and reliability of its crypto infrastructure. In an effort to be transparent, Hyperliquid sought to clarify the situation, and here are their comments.
Under the spotlight of glory, Hyperliquid dances on a fragile line, where fast technology defies the lack of solid support.