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Google And Crypto Connection? Vitalik Buterin Surprises Again With A Controversial Idea!

Sat 07 Sep 2024 ▪ 3 min read ▪ by Mikaia A.
Getting informed Cybersecurity

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, hasn’t put down his pen yet. Always quick to express himself, he again shares his vision of crypto, security, and upcoming innovations. And as usual, his ideas have caused some friction. Recently, he highlighted the possible use of Google Sign-in in the crypto world, while also touching on less common practices like… duels to the death.

Vitalik Buterin mettant en lien Ethereum à Google

Crypto and Google: The Unlikely Marriage?

Vitalik Buterin, an iconic figure of Web3, never fails to surprise. Recently, he caught his audience off guard with the possibility of integrating Google Sign-in into the crypto ecosystem. While the idea of signing in with Google (Alphabet) in the decentralized world seems heretical, Vitalik proposes a surprising alternative: a bridge between Google services and Ethereum, based on account abstraction. 

The idea? Use Google to guide users towards secure systems.

Google-Ethereum bridge suggestion
Proposed bridge between Ethereum and Google – Source: Warpcast

And that’s not all. Buterin admits the idea has flaws: “I have been betrayed by Google once,” he confesses. Yet, he remains convinced, believing that this compromise could facilitate crypto adoption, provided that users can eventually migrate to more robust decentralized solutions.

  • Sign-in via Google, but with cryptographic safeguards;
  • Known risks but deemed less critical than managing private keys;
  • Facilitates adoption for beginners while preserving the crypto spirit.

Ethereum and Duels to the Death: A Peaceful Solution

But where Vitalik truly strikes a chord is with his proposal on duels to the death. On social media, he reacted to a historical discussion on this practice by suggesting… predictive markets! For him, duels should be replaced by high-stakes betting. 

Why not use predictive markets?,” he asks, amused.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk was more enthusiastic, adding a bit of spice to this eccentric idea. Vitalik sees it primarily as a way to responsabilize online discussions by adding a tangible risk element to words. Less violence, more thoughtfulness: ultimately, a blockchain version of a duel.

In summary, Vitalik Buterin continues to push boundaries. The latest innovation: reinventing crypto airdrops, always with the unrestrained creativity that characterizes him.

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Mikaia A. avatar
Mikaia A.

La révolution blockchain et crypto est en marche ! Et le jour où les impacts se feront ressentir sur l’économie la plus vulnérable de ce Monde, contre toute espérance, je dirai que j’y étais pour quelque chose


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