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Bitcoin Miners Make $107 Million in Revenue After the Halving!

Mon 22 Apr 2024 ▪ 3 min read ▪ by Eddy S.
Getting informed Crypto regulation

The mining sector has been in turmoil since the Bitcoin halving of 2024. Indeed, miners recorded a record revenue of $107 million the day after. This historic performance exceeded all expectations! What’s more, it could mark a major turning point for the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin Halving: Miners Earn $107 Million in Revenue!

According to data, miners raked in an astronomical income of $107.7 million after the Bitcoin Halving 2024. This spectacular surge of 75.44% compared to the previous day’s $71 million represents an unprecedented skyrocketing ascent.

As a result, this burst of stratospheric income not only shattered all previous records but also consigned the most optimistic expert predictions to oblivion. Moreover, it far exceeded and eclipsed the highest estimates of the most seasoned Bitcoin analysts.

Bitcoin Halving: Miners Earn $107 Million in Revenue!
Bitcoin Halving miners’ revenue

Launch of the Runes Protocol, the Primary Catalyst

The revolutionary launch of the Runes Protocol stands as the primary catalyst that triggered this tsunami of transactions of rare magnitude. Indeed, the sensational introduction of Runes coincided with the highly anticipated Bitcoin halving on April 20. Thus, this groundbreaking innovation allowed for the first-time issuance of fungible tokens directly on the Bitcoin blockchain.

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However, this unprecedented opportunity triggered an excessive eagerness among users, with everyone striving to be the first to generate these coveted tokens. Consequently, this frenzied and unprecedented rush for the acquisition of the next blocks has literally caused transaction fees to explode to stratospheric levels.

A Domino Effect on Bitcoin Adoption?

The fallout from this event could be major for the Bitcoin ecosystem.

  • Firstly, it validates the growing interest in innovations on the original blockchain.
  • Secondly, it confirms the robustness of Bitcoin’s economic model.
  • Finally, it could accelerate the adoption of crypto by new users. However, the trends will need to be monitored in the coming months.

This record revenue for BTC miners after the halving demonstrates the vigor of the first decentralized blockchain network. Also, it bears witness to the current buzz around developments on Bitcoin’s main chain. Now, all eyes are on the potential repercussions of this phenomenon on the future adoption of the queen of crypto.

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Eddy S.

Le monde évolue et l'adaptation est la meilleure arme pour survivre dans cet univers ondoyant. Community manager crypto à la base, je m'intéresse à tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la blockchain et ses dérivés. Dans l'optique de partager mon expérience et de faire connaître un domaine qui me passionne, rien de mieux que de rédiger des articles informatifs et décontractés à la fois.


The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and should not be taken as investment advice. Do your own research before taking any investment decisions.