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New Bitcoin accounting reforms in the USA: A step towards transparency?

Fri 08 Sep 2023 ▪ 3 min read ▪ by Fenelon L.
Getting informed Crypto regulation

The financial sector in the United States is anticipating a significant revision in the accounting of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin. This recent decision aims to enhance clarity, accuracy, and confidence in the valuation of digital assets by businesses.

An agent is drafting Bitcoin accounting standards

Towards accounting regulation for bitcoin in the USA

For years, businesses have struggled to accurately value their cryptocurrency assets, primarily due to their volatility.

Existing accounting regulations in the United States do not provide precise guidance to major players like MicroStrategy Inc., Tesla Inc., or Coinbase Global Inc. regarding the accounting treatment of these digital currencies.

In the absence of clear guidelines, many have turned to the American Institute of CPAs’ guidance. This categorizes cryptocurrencies as intangible assets, a category that includes trademarks or copyrights, which are quite different from digital currencies.

However, according to Bloomberg, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is considering introducing new accounting standards for cryptocurrencies by the end of the year. Although their official implementation is expected in 2025, companies will have the option to adopt them earlier.

These new guidelines will bring the much-awaited clarity. For example, Bitcoin, instead of being classified as an intangible asset, may reflect fluctuations in its value, which could encourage long-term holding.

Thus, this reform will allow companies to adjust the value of their cryptocurrencies in line with market trends, ensuring a more faithful financial representation.

A Lever for crypto players and investors?

Beyond being a mere administrative update, this accounting overhaul could transform the crypto ecosystem. It could encourage companies to hold onto their cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, for the long term.

Jeff Rundlet, responsible for accounting strategy at Cryptio, sees these changes as an opportunity for the business world.

“I believe that this proposal, once adopted, will reassure large companies hesitant to include cryptocurrencies on their balance sheets due to their technical complexity,” he emphasized.

The ability to regularly report unrealized gains or losses without the need to sell assets is a significant advantage. Moreover, this increased clarity will dispel uncertainties for investors and regulators regarding the financial strength of companies active in this sector.

In conclusion, as cryptocurrencies integrate into the traditional financial system, initiatives like that of the FASB become essential. They bolster the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies, promoting broader adoption and better integration into the global economy.

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Fenelon L.

Passionné par le Bitcoin, j'aime explorer les méandres de la blockchain et des cryptos et je partage mes découvertes avec la communauté. Mon rêve est de vivre dans un monde où la vie privée et la liberté financière sont garanties pour tous, et je crois fermement que Bitcoin est l'outil qui peut rendre cela possible.


The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and should not be taken as investment advice. Do your own research before taking any investment decisions.