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Big Crypto Investors Resurface! Goldman Sachs

lun 25 Mar 2024 ▪ 3 min de lecture ▪ par Eddy S.
Crypto regulation

The thirst of big investors for crypto picks up again in 2024. However, this renaissance bodes ill for the liberty and decentralization promoted by this emerging ecosystem. Indeed, major banks like Goldman Sachs are preparing to swoop down on this new prey, ready to crush the foundational ideals of virtual currencies.

The Wall Street wolf at the door of the crypto flock

Max Minton’s statement, crypto head for Asia Pacific at Goldman Sachs, has a prescient ring to it. According to him, many major clients are returning, fueled by the recent approval of bitcoin ETFs. However, the reappearance of these big predators is by no means a sign of adoption of the values of freedom and decentralization promoted by crypto.

On the contrary, Goldman is only expanding its range of crypto derivative products to lure even more prey into its nets. Cash options on bitcoin, futures contracts on Ethereum, the shadow finance arsenal is unveiled to tie cryptos to the old moons of obsolete financial systems.

In reality, this resurgence of institutional capital is part of a clear intent to oversee this once decentralized space. By attracting speculative funds, hedge funds, and asset managers, banks arrogate an exorbitant market power.

The linchpin of a recolonization plan

Beyond derivative products, Goldman Sachs’s grip is part of a much broader strategy to reduce the progress of financial decentralization and to re-establish their hegemony.

Massive investments in the crypto infrastructure are just a Trojan horse. Once this tech is mastered, the architecture will be under their control.

But the spearhead is embodied in initiatives like the GS DAP platform. Behind this cryptic office lies the plan for a total overhaul, where assets would be tokenized on a private blockchain. A recolonization of this space by old finance.

The recent pilot operation proves it, connecting exchanges, banks, and managers on a private network. The dream of independence of the crypto-pioneers smothered by a new cathedral with a decentralized appearance but with very real foundations.

Thus, by opening the door to institutional investors, crypto-enthusiasts will have only welcomed the gravediggers of their libertarian utopia. For the insatiable appetite of these whales will be to reduce the crypto sphere into a vast soulless body, submissive to the dictates of monetary centralization. A large-scale recolonization, led by builders of cathedrals that are decentralized in name only. A transformation that may be inevitable, to which only the most irreducible of rebels will seem to resist, before being crushed by this steamroller.

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Eddy S. avatar
Eddy S.

Le monde évolue et l'adaptation est la meilleure arme pour survivre dans cet univers ondoyant. Community manager crypto à la base, je m'intéresse à tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la blockchain et ses dérivés. Dans l'optique de partager mon expérience et de faire connaître un domaine qui me passionne, rien de mieux que de rédiger des articles informatifs et décontractés à la fois.


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